Santa Ana bicyclist killed in hit-and-run at Warner and Pacific

From BikinginLA: Santa Ana bike rider killed in late night hit-and-run

This is the second bicyclist fatality in Santa Ana this year. This particular fatality — a hit-and-run — happened just a block away from the most recent Luces Vivas location. (Luces Vivas is a bike safety outreach program run by our dear friends at Santa Anta Active Streets and participated in by many The Bicycle Tree volunteers, where we give away free bike lights and helmets.)

Days like today are hard for bike activists. It can feel like we’re not doing enough, that the changes we’ve seen are just too little too late. Despair is tempting right about now. But despair is a luxury we can’t afford if we’re going to realize our dream of an Orange County where tragedies like this are inconceivable, instead of all-too-frequent.

Of course, our sadness is nothing compared to the grief that must be felt by the family and friends of the victim. We wish them our wholehearted condolences. 

If you have any information that could help lead to justice for the cowardly monster responsible for this crime, please contact Cpl. Matt Wharton at (714) 245-8209.